The Lord blessed me when He gave me a grandmother named Alma. All my life, I have felt so much love and affection from her. As I get older I can recall all the loving gestures that Gramma has shown me and it makes me believe that LOVE can truly be boundless. I always felt that I was her FAVORITE grandchild and she had fourteen of us! But, I know that all my cousins feel the same way.Alma was born on November 23, 1916 in Bourbon, Crawford Co., Missouri. She was the last child to be born to Amanuel and Lillie Bales Jones. Alma's older sisters had already become mothers when she was born. She was a beautiful blond headed baby and her older siblings cherished her. Two days after her second birthday, Alma's father Amanuel was kicked by a horse. He died the following day. She always missed NOT having a relationship with him.
<<<<Alma with her mother, Lillie right before her father died.
When Amanuel died, Alma's mother took the children and went to Stewardson, Illinois. The family went through many trials and tribulations during the next few years. Alma's brother Bill lost his arm working in a meat packing house. Lillie married Bobby Davis and Alma loved him very much. He was an excellent father to her, however the marriage did not work out and they were divorced within a couple of years.
Phelma and Alma with pet dog circa 1921 in Shelby Co., IL>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Lillie met an old friend in Illinois, Ellis Gillespy when Alma was about 10 and soon after they were married. The family moved back to Bourbon when she was 13 years old.
<<<Alma about 13 years oldAlma has always loved to sing. She and her sister, Phelma would sing at church and other gatherings. Alma is 82 years old and her voice is still so beautiful it can bring tears to my eyes. Alma looked forward to these Church meetings and one day she saw Charlie Halfaker there. She knew who Charlie was as Bourbon is a really small town, but this time she looked at him differently.
Alma and Charlie circa 1950>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>He was very attentive to her and asked her if he could walk her home after the service. He was such a handsome young man, dark hair and eyes. Alma soon fell in love with him. Only two months after her 15th birthday she married Charlie. They were very much in love and had a long and very loving relationship when he died on December 24, 1977.
It wasn't long before the young couple started a family together. Dwight was born when Alma was only 15 years old. Although she was very young, she was a wonderful mother. She was very knowledgeable about children as she had watched many of her sisters children when they were young. The children of Alma and Charles are as follows:
Dwight Herman Halfaker
Patricia Eloise Halfaker
Janice Charlotte Halfaker
Charles Donald Halfaker
Terry Douglas HalfakerShe had five children in 15 years and was a grandmother when she was 36 years old. For many years she helped the town Doctor deliver children and helped 'midwife' more than forty deliveries. This was something that she truly enjoyed and I am sure she could have been a wonderful nurse or doctor.
Gramma is an excellent cook and very clean housekeeper. She canned vegetables every summer 'til she was 80 years old!! She makes the best homemade soup you ever tasted!! She lived alone until this past year and now spends her time between three of her children's homes. Alma is a survivor of colon cancer and is very healthy right now, except for arthritis. I spoke with her today on the phone and she mentioned that she would love to "sing" all the songs that she has written over the years on a tape recorder and I sure hope we get this done as this would be a wonderful legacy to leave her grandchildren. By the way, Alma has fourteen grandchildren and over 30 great grandchildren. She even has one great great grandchild. We all love her very much!!
Charlie and Alma 1965>>>>>>>>>>>>