Margaret Ellis is my great grandmother who married Benjamin Franklin Crawford. Recently, I have been given information that helps point me in the right direction.
Margaret Ellis with her grandchildren. Margaret is in the second row, second lady from the left. She was very short!!!.>>>>>>
Her father's name was J.D. Ellis--Grandpa called him "Mickey Dave".....Recently, I was given his obituary from a wonderful lady on my Mo-Gasconade Roots-L Mailing List. The obit follows:
September 14, 1939, Page 3.Jacob David Ellis was born in Gasconade County near Bland, on March 15, 1861. He was united in marriage to Jane Owens in 1880. Four children were born to this union, two of which survive, namely, John Ellis of Washington and Mrs. Marqurite Crawford of Brentwood. His wife passed away in 1887. Surviving him of his brothers and sisters are George Ellis of Union, Louise Carroll of Bland and Maggie Crider of White Hall, Arkansas, besides six grandchildren. He passed away Friday, September 1, at 2:26 a.m. having reached the age of 78 years, 5 months and 16 days. ---Franklin Tribune.
J.D. Ellis is buried in Nubbin Ridge Cemetary outside of Owensville, Gasconade Co., Missouri. On his tombstone it reads....
J.D. Ellis
He is buried next to his second wife, Hanna Anna Nixon Ellis.
Hanna's tombstone reads....Hanna
1-16-1929Now, I know that Jane Owens is my great great grandmother, but I know nothing of her family. I know that Margaret had one brother named John Ellis. I do not think that he ever married, however he was the superintendent or a principle in Owensville School District in Gasconade Co., Missouri during the 1940-50's!!
Anyone with information about any of these people..Please email me!!!