Amanuel Jones

Amanuel at about 20 years old (circa 1890)
Picture provided by Kermit Z. Pennock
Amanuel Jones was born on August 15, 1870.  He was the son of Josiah and Lydia Marie Miller Jones.  I am not sure if he was born in Shelby Co., Illinois, but he did grow up there.  He was the second of six children born to this couple.  Not much is known about Amanuel's life.  I recently met a cousin who has good information on our great grandfather's life and death.  Some of the information on this page came from him, the rest came from my Grandmother Alma.

Amanuel was tall and thin most of his life.  He was over 6' tall.  He was a strong young man and worked various odd jobs throughout his life to support his large family.  At one time, he was a farm hand in Shelby Co. at the Cresswell Farm.

He met Lillie Hannah Bales in Shelby Co. and married her in 1891.  They had the following children:

Clara Mae Jones
Rosa Rebecca Jones
Elsie Jane Jones
Florence Ellen Jones
Louis Sylvester Jones
Vina May Jones
Harlan Edward Jones
William Genoa Jones
Phelma Lucille Jones
Alma Lillian Jones


The following is an excerpt of a note that my cousin Kermit Z. Pennock sent me about our great grandfather.

"Amanuel died November 26, 1918, about 6:30 in the morning.  Source of information is from Death Certificate.  This would put his death 15 days after the end of World War I, which must have been quite a contrast for the family.  While the nation rejoiced the family was plunged into grief."
He also sent me the following piece of information that our Uncle Ed Jones recalled to his daughter about his father's death.
". . .and Dad got killed by a horse kicking him.  The horse wasn't mean.  It was probably Dad's fault.  There was corn by the barn, and the horses were loose and had gotten down by the barn to eat the corn.  Dad picked up a stalk of corn and hit the horse over the hip and he kicked him with both hooves right in the chest.  I did not see it happen.  The family had the flu at the same time this happened.  The flu was going around, a lot of people died from it.  Louie was looking out the window and saw the horse kick Dad.  I don't remember how long it took to get the doctor.  I don't know who went after the doctor.  He had to come from town with a horse and buggy.  This was 1918 or 1919.  The doctor's name was Williams.  Dad was kicked one afternoon and lived till early the next morning.  I don't remember anyone being with us but maybe the family (Florence, Rosa, Elsie...)"  --Excerpt from an interview of EDWARD HARLAN JONES as told to Jean Hardin, his daughter.
<<<Amanuel died just days after this photo was taken. From left, clockwise; Alma (being held by her mother-Lillie), Amanuel, Florence, Harlan (with arm in sling), Bill, Phelma.  Daughter Elsie in doorway with her child Cecil Pennock.

Those children of Amanuel who could remember him, spoke many times of how loving their father was and all of them felt a great loss.  Their mother, Lillie was a very strong woman who managed to raise them all to be good God fearing people.  All of the children have passed away now, except Alma Halfaker and Florence Pennock.  Aunt Florence will celebrate her 100th birthday (Lord willing) on April 11, 1999.

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