previous - go to surnames
Arthur, Isaac (1805 - 1866) - male
b. 1805
d. 1866
father: Arthur, Chandler(1777 - 1872)
mother: Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth(1780 - 1853)
spouse: Blake, Elizabeth Betsy (1816 - )
Arthur, Isaac (1811 - 1850) - male
b. 1811
d. 1850
father: Arthur, Thomas(1788 - 1844)
mother: Blake, Sarah(1788 - )
spouse: Arthur, Rebecca (1809 - )
Arthur, Iva Euline (1847 - ) - female
b. 1847
father: Arthur, Azariah(1797 - 1886)
mother: Spriggs, Nancy Anne(1812 - 1847)
spouse: Blacke, John (*1843 - )
Arthur, James (1813 - 1895) - male
b. 1813
d. 1895
father: Arthur, Thomas(1788 - 1844)
mother: Blake, Sarah(1788 - )
spouse: Sizer, Elizabeth (*1817 - )
Arthur, James (1819 - ) - male
b. 1819
father: Arthur, Nimrod(1789 - 1824)
mother: Parish, Nancy(1787 - )
spouse: Adkinson, Maria (*1823 - )
Arthur, James Milton (1835 - 1891) - male
b. 8 Apr 1835 in Jackson Co, OH
d. 21 Apr 1891
father: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin(1794 - 1860)
mother: Radabaugh, Catherine(1798 - 1874)
spouse: Henson, Permelia (*1837 - )
----------child: Arthur, Warren Stanley (1867 - 1942)
Arthur, Jane (1786 - 1849) - female
b. 1786
d. 1849
father: Arthur, Joel(1758 - 1837)
mother: Jenkins, Nancy Jinkins(1757 - 1835)
spouse: Blake, James (1780 - 1833)
----------child: Blake, Sarah (1806 - )
----------child: Blake, Nancy (1808 - 1892)
----------child: Blake, Margaret (1810 - )
----------child: Blake, Salina (1813 - )
----------child: Blake, Lewis L. (1814 - 1890)
----------child: Blake, Elizabeth Betsy (1816 - )
----------child: Blake, Alexander Hamilton (1818 - 1849)
spouse: Blake, Robert (*1782 - )
Arthur, Jane (1828 - 1896) - female
b. 1828
d. 1896
father: Arthur, Lewis(1802 - 1887)
mother: Fleming, Malinda(1802 - 1877)
spouse: Miller, Charles (*1824 - )
Arthur, Jane (1832 - ) - female
b. 1832
father: Arthur, Amos(1791 - 1874)
mother: Elliott, Anna A.(1796 - 1883)
Arthur, Jeremiah (*1806 - ) - male
spouse: Arthur, Mary Polly (1810 - )
Arthur, Joel (1758 - 1837) - male
b. 1758 in Bedford Co, VA
d. 15 Sep 1837 in Jackson Co, OH
father: Arthur, Thomas(1730 - 1820)
spouse: Jenkins, Nancy Jinkins (1757 - 1835)
----------child: Arthur, Chandler (1777 - 1872)
----------child: Arthur, Phoebe (1784 - 1837)
----------child: Arthur, Jane (1786 - 1849)
----------child: Arthur, Thomas (1788 - 1844)
----------child: Arthur, Nimrod (1789 - 1824)
----------child: Arthur, Amos (1791 - 1874)
----------child: Arthur, Stephen (1792 - 1846)
----------child: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin (1794 - 1860)
----------child: Arthur, Azariah (1797 - 1886)
----------child: Arthur, Elizabeth (1798 - 1843)
----------child: Arthur, Lewis (1802 - 1887)
Arthur, Joel (1811 - ) - male
b. 1811
father: Arthur, Stephen(1792 - 1846)
mother: Tolbert, Margaret(1791 - 1860)
spouse: Davis, Letha (*1815 - )
Arthur, Joel (1836 - 1838) - male
b. 1836
d. 1838
father: Arthur, Azariah(1797 - 1886)
mother: Spriggs, Nancy Anne(1812 - 1847)
Arthur, Joel C. (1822 - 1866) - male
b. 29 Dec 1822 in Jackson Co, OH
d. 2 Oct 1866
father: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin(1794 - 1860)
mother: Radabaugh, Catherine(1798 - 1874)
Arthur, Joel Jackson (1833 - 1919) - male
b. 1833
d. 1919
father: Arthur, Amos(1791 - 1874)
mother: Elliott, Anna A.(1796 - 1883)
Arthur, Joel Joseph (1826 - 1884) - male
b. 1826
d. 1884
father: Arthur, Lewis(1802 - 1887)
mother: Fleming, Malinda(1802 - 1877)
spouse: Mault, Melinda (1833 - 1910)
Arthur, John (1701 - 1793) - male
b. 1701
d. 1793
spouse: Rebecca, ? (*1702 - )
----------child: Arthur, Thomas (1730 - 1820)
Arthur, John (1820 - ) - male
b. 1820
father: Arthur, Chandler(1777 - 1872)
mother: Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth(1780 - 1853)
Arthur, John M. (1820 - ) - male
b. 1820
father: Arthur, Stephen(1792 - 1846)
mother: Tolbert, Margaret(1791 - 1860)
spouse: Radabaugh, Mary (1821 - )
Arthur, John Morris (1818 - 1903) - male
b. 1818
d. 1903
father: Arthur, Thomas(1788 - 1844)
mother: Blake, Sarah(1788 - )
spouse: Perry, Sarah Elizabeth (*1822 - )
Arthur, John Taylor (1838 - ) - female
b. 1838
father: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin(1794 - 1860)
mother: Radabaugh, Catherine(1798 - 1874)
Arthur, Lafayette (*1840 - ) - male
father: Arthur, Thomas(1788 - 1844)
mother: King, Elizabeth(1820 - )
spouse: Patterson, Mahala (*1844 - )
Arthur, Lewis (1802 - 1887) - male
b. 1802
d. 1887
father: Arthur, Joel(1758 - 1837)
mother: Jenkins, Nancy Jinkins(1757 - 1835)
spouse: Fleming, Malinda (1802 - 1877)
----------child: Arthur, Nancy (1824 - 1887)
----------child: Arthur, Joel Joseph (1826 - 1884)
----------child: Arthur, Mary (1827 - )
----------child: Arthur, Jane (1828 - 1896)
----------child: Arthur, Andrew (1829 - 1883)
----------child: Arthur, Malinda (1832 - )
----------child: Arthur, Azariah (1833 - 1906)
----------child: Arthur, Ann (1835 - )
----------child: Arthur, Margaret (1837 - )
----------child: Arthur, Cynthia (1839 - 1905)
----------child: Arthur, Sarah Emily (1841 - )
----------child: Arthur, Lewis Jr. (1843 - )
Arthur, Lewis Jr. (1843 - ) - male
b. 1843
father: Arthur, Lewis(1802 - 1887)
mother: Fleming, Malinda(1802 - 1877)
Arthur, Malinda (1832 - ) - female
b. 1832
father: Arthur, Lewis(1802 - 1887)
mother: Fleming, Malinda(1802 - 1877)
spouse: Johnson, William (*1828 - )
Arthur, Margaret (1819 - ) - female
b. 1819 in Jackson Co, OH
father: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin(1794 - 1860)
mother: Radabaugh, Catherine(1798 - 1874)
spouse: Yeager, Andrew (*1815 - )
Arthur, Margaret (1832 - ) - female
b. 1832
father: Arthur, Stephen(1792 - 1846)
mother: Tolbert, Margaret(1791 - 1860)
spouse: Allen, James (*1828 - )
Arthur, Margaret (1837 - ) - female
b. 1837
father: Arthur, Lewis(1802 - 1887)
mother: Fleming, Malinda(1802 - 1877)
spouse: Canary, Addison (*1833 - )
Arthur, Mary (1827 - ) - female
b. 1827
father: Arthur, Lewis(1802 - 1887)
mother: Fleming, Malinda(1802 - 1877)
spouse: Nail, Wesley (*1823 - )
Arthur, Mary Emily (1827 - ) - female
b. 1827
father: Arthur, Thomas(1788 - 1844)
mother: Blake, Sarah(1788 - )
spouse: Bexfield, Richard (*1823 - )
Arthur, Mary Polly (1810 - ) - female
b. 1810
father: Arthur, Chandler(1777 - 1872)
mother: Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth(1780 - 1853)
spouse: Arthur, Jeremiah (*1806 - )
Arthur, Melinda (1814 - ) - female
b. 1814
father: Arthur, Thomas(1788 - 1844)
mother: Blake, Sarah(1788 - )
Arthur, Milly (1827 - ) - female
b. 1827
father: Arthur, Stephen(1792 - 1846)
mother: Tolbert, Margaret(1791 - 1860)
Arthur, Nancy (1815 - 1845) - female
b. 1815
d. 1845
father: Arthur, Stephen(1792 - 1846)
mother: Tolbert, Margaret(1791 - 1860)
spouse: Lambert, Harvey (*1811 - )
Arthur, Nancy (1824 - 1887) - female
b. 1824
d. 1887
father: Arthur, Lewis(1802 - 1887)
mother: Fleming, Malinda(1802 - 1877)
spouse: Boggs, James (*1820 - )
Arthur, Nancy (1836 - ) - female
b. 1836
father: Arthur, Azariah(1797 - 1886)
mother: Spriggs, Nancy Anne(1812 - 1847)
spouse: Dawson, Giles (*1832 - )
Arthur, Nimrod (1789 - 1824) - male
b. 1789
d. 1824 in Jefferson Twp, Jackson Co, OH
father: Arthur, Joel(1758 - 1837)
mother: Jenkins, Nancy Jinkins(1757 - 1835)
spouse: Parish, Nancy (1787 - )
----------child: Arthur, William (1809 - )
----------child: Arthur, Rebecca (1809 - )
----------child: Arthur, James (1819 - )
Arthur, Pennal (1819 - ) - male
b. 1819
father: Arthur, Thomas(1788 - 1844)
mother: Blake, Sarah(1788 - )
spouse: Davis, Virginia (*1823 - )
Arthur, Permelia Ellen (1840 - 1903) - female
b. 1840 in Jackson Co, OH
d. 1903
father: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin(1794 - 1860)
mother: Radabaugh, Catherine(1798 - 1874)
Arthur, Phoebe (1784 - 1837) - female
b. 1784
d. 1837
father: Arthur, Joel(1758 - 1837)
mother: Jenkins, Nancy Jinkins(1757 - 1835)
spouse: Blake, Theopolis (1782 - )
----------child: Blake, Ann (*1816 - )
Arthur, Phoebe (1822 - ) - female
b. 1822
father: Arthur, Stephen(1792 - 1846)
mother: Tolbert, Margaret(1791 - 1860)
spouse: Meadows, John (*1818 - )
Arthur, Phoebe (1825 - ) - female
b. 1825
father: Arthur, Chandler(1777 - 1872)
mother: Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth(1780 - 1853)
Arthur, Rebecca (1807 - 1887) - female
b. 1807
d. 1887
father: Arthur, Chandler(1777 - 1872)
mother: Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth(1780 - 1853)
spouse: Meadows, James (*1803 - )
Arthur, Rebecca (1809 - ) - female
b. 1809
father: Arthur, Nimrod(1789 - 1824)
mother: Parish, Nancy(1787 - )
spouse: Arthur, Isaac (1811 - 1850)
Arthur, Rebecca (1826 - ) - female
b. 1826
father: Arthur, Stephen(1792 - 1846)
mother: Tolbert, Margaret(1791 - 1860)
spouse: Gee, Martin (*1822 - )
Arthur, Sarah Emily (1841 - ) - female
b. 1841
father: Arthur, Lewis(1802 - 1887)
mother: Fleming, Malinda(1802 - 1877)
spouse: Loper, John C. (*1837 - )
Arthur, Sarah Jane (1839 - ) - female
b. 1839
father: Arthur, Azariah(1797 - 1886)
mother: Spriggs, Nancy Anne(1812 - 1847)
spouse: Oliver, English (*1835 - )
Arthur, Silas M. K. (~1839 - 1924) - male
b. ABT. 1839 in Jackson Co, OH
d. 1924
father: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin(1794 - 1860)
mother: Radabaugh, Catherine(1798 - 1874)
spouse: Cherrington, Emily (*1843 - )
Arthur, Stephen (1792 - 1846) - male
b. 1792
d. 1846
father: Arthur, Joel(1758 - 1837)
mother: Jenkins, Nancy Jinkins(1757 - 1835)
spouse: Tolbert, Margaret (1791 - 1860)
----------child: Arthur, Joel (1811 - )
----------child: Arthur, Nancy (1815 - 1845)
----------child: Arthur, Elizabeth (1818 - )
----------child: Arthur, John M. (1820 - )
----------child: Arthur, Phoebe (1822 - )
----------child: Arthur, Grandial (1824 - )
----------child: Arthur, Unknown (*1824 - )
----------child: Arthur, Rebecca (1826 - )
----------child: Arthur, Milly (1827 - )
----------child: Arthur, Margaret (1832 - )
Arthur, Susan (1819 - ) - female
b. 1819
father: Arthur, Chandler(1777 - 1872)
mother: Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth(1780 - 1853)
spouse: Burgess, Allen (*1815 - )
Arthur, Tempie (*1806 - ) - female
spouse: Arthur, Abraham (1802 - )
Arthur, Thomas (1730 - 1820) - male
b. 1730
d. 1820
father: Arthur, John(1701 - 1793)
mother: Rebecca, ?(*1702 - )
----------child: Arthur, Joel (1758 - 1837)
Arthur, Thomas (1788 - 1844) - male
b. 1788
d. 1844
father: Arthur, Joel(1758 - 1837)
mother: Jenkins, Nancy Jinkins(1757 - 1835)
spouse: Blake, Sarah (1788 - )
----------child: Arthur, Elizabeth Betsy (1810 - 1865)
----------child: Arthur, Isaac (1811 - 1850)
----------child: Arthur, James (1813 - 1895)
----------child: Arthur, Melinda (1814 - )
----------child: Arthur, John Morris (1818 - 1903)
----------child: Arthur, Pennal (1819 - )
----------child: Arthur, America (1825 - )
----------child: Arthur, Mary Emily (1827 - )
----------child: Arthur, Thomas Washington (1834 - )
spouse: King, Elizabeth (1820 - )
----------child: Arthur, Lafayette (*1840 - )
Arthur, Thomas (1822 - ) - male
b. 1822
father: Arthur, Chandler(1777 - 1872)
mother: Jenkins, Mary Elizabeth(1780 - 1853)
Arthur, Thomas Washington (1834 - ) - male
b. 1834
father: Arthur, Thomas(1788 - 1844)
mother: Blake, Sarah(1788 - )
spouse: Hagley, Julia Ann (*1838 - )
Arthur, Thomas William (1845 - 1917) - male
b. 1845
d. 1917
father: Arthur, Azariah(1797 - 1886)
mother: Spriggs, Nancy Anne(1812 - 1847)
spouse: Davis, Rachel (*1849 - )
Arthur, Unknown (*1824 - ) - female
father: Arthur, Stephen(1792 - 1846)
mother: Tolbert, Margaret(1791 - 1860)
Arthur, Vinton (1837 - 1838) - male
b. 1837
d. 1838
father: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin(1794 - 1860)
mother: Radabaugh, Catherine(1798 - 1874)
Arthur, Warren Stanley (1867 - 1942) - male
b. 1867
d. 1942
father: Arthur, James Milton(1835 - 1891)
mother: Henson, Permelia(*1837 - )
spouse: Carr, Zida (*1871 - )
Arthur, William (1809 - ) - male
b. 1809
father: Arthur, Nimrod(1789 - 1824)
mother: Parish, Nancy(1787 - )
spouse: Elliott, Rachel (*1813 - )
Arthur, William A. (1833 - ) - male
b. 1833
father: Arthur, Amos(1791 - 1874)
mother: Elliott, Anna A.(1796 - 1883)
Arthur, William H. (1838 - 1908) - male
b. 1838 in Jackson Co, OH
d. 1908
father: Arthur, Benjamin Franklin(1794 - 1860)
mother: Radabaugh, Catherine(1798 - 1874)
spouse: Weed, Rosetta (*1842 - )
Arundel), Richard Fitzalan (10th Earl of (~1305 - 1375) - male
b. ABT. 1305 in Arundel, Sussex, ENG
d. 24 Jan 1374/75 in Arundel, Sussex, ENG
spouse: Despenser, Isabel (~1306 - )
- m. 9 Feb 1319/20 in Havering-atte-Bower, Essex, ENG
----------child: (Sir), Edmund Fitzalan (~1335 - )
spouse: Plantagenet, Eleanor (1325 - )
- m. 5 Feb 1343/44 in Ditton, ENG
Ashbaugh, Jacob (*1822 - ) - male
spouse: Horton, Rebecca (1826 - )
Aubuchon, Janice (private) - female
spouse: Robinson, Gregory Janes (private)
- m. 7 Nov 1980 in Florissant, MO
----------child: Robinson, Alicia Renee (private)
B”Rjesdotter, Kirstin (1754 - 1825) - female
b. 1754
d. 1825 in Aslem†la, Alem Parish, M”nster†s, Kalmar, Sweden
spouse: Nielsson, Olof (1735 - 1810)
----------child: Olofsson, Jon (1781 - 1836)
Bailey, Esther (*1816 - 1910) - female
d. 1910
spouse: Radabaugh, John B. (1803 - 1886)
----------child: Radabaugh, M.H. (*1840 - )
----------child: Radabaugh, Icy Dora (*1840 - )
----------child: Radabaugh, Charles W. (*1840 - )
----------child: Radabaugh, Effa N. (1863 - )
Bailey, Sylvia (*1913 - ) - female
spouse: Gillespy, Jack (*1909 - )
----------child: Gillespy, Larry (private)
----------child: Gillespy, ? (private)
Bales, Chrissy (1827 - ) - female
b. Dec 1827
father: Bales, Levi(1810 - 1866)
mother: Keller, Susanna(1798 - 1872)
Bales, David Amassa (1840 - 1905) - male
b. 12 Jan 1840 in Shelby County, IL
d. 8 Sep 1905
father: Bales, John(1816 - 1873)
mother: Keller, Roda(1814 - )
Bales, Delitha (1839 - ) - female
b. 1839
father: Bales, Levi(1810 - 1866)
mother: Keller, Susanna(1798 - 1872)
Bales, Eligah Scott (1872 - 1951) - male
b. 1872
d. 1951
father: Bales, Jacob(1834 - 1905)
mother: Bales, Eliza(1836 - )
spouse: Keller, Lucinda Eliza (1874 - 1951)
spouse: Davis, Catherine Francis (1868 - 1904)
Bales, Eliza (1836 - ) - female
b. 1836 in Shelby Co, IL
father: Bales, Levi(1810 - 1866)
mother: Keller, Susanna(1798 - 1872)
spouse: Bales, Jacob (1834 - 1905)
- m. 2 Feb 1852 in Shelby County, IL
----------child: Bales, Oliver (1860 - )
----------child: Bales, Ellen Beals (*1861 - )
----------child: Bales, Emma (*1868 - )
----------child: Bales, Leab (*1868 - )
----------child: Bales, Jane (*1868 - )
----------child: Bales, Martha (*1868 - )
----------child: Bales, Eligah Scott (1872 - 1951)
----------child: Bales, Lillie Hannah (1876 - 1966)
Bales, Ellen Beals (*1861 - ) - female
father: Bales, Jacob(1834 - 1905)
mother: Bales, Eliza(1836 - )
spouse: Webb, Francis Marion (1840 - 1921)
Bales, Emma (*1868 - ) - female
father: Bales, Jacob(1834 - 1905)
mother: Bales, Eliza(1836 - )
spouse: Cameron, William (*1864 - )
Bales, Emma (*1926 - ) - female
spouse: Pennock, Bob (*1927 - )
----------child: Pennock, Imogene (*1938 - )
----------child: Pennock, Bob (private)
----------child: Pennock, Vernon (private)
----------child: Pennock, Nona (private)
----------child: Pennock, Geraldine (private)
Bales, George W. (1845 - ) - male
b. 1845
father: Bales, John(1816 - 1873)
mother: Keller, Roda(1814 - )
Bales, Hannah (*1823 - ) - female
spouse: Keller, Jacob (1819 - 1871)
Bales, Hannah (1830 - ) - female
b. 1830
father: Bales, Levi(1810 - 1866)
mother: Keller, Susanna(1798 - 1872)
Bales, Jacob (1834 - 1905) - male
b. 5 Jan 1834 in Shelby County, IL
d. 5 Jan 1905 in Shelby County, IL
father: Bales, John(1816 - 1873)
mother: Keller, Roda(1814 - )
spouse: Bales, Eliza (1836 - )
- m. 2 Feb 1852 in Shelby County, IL
----------child: Bales, Oliver (1860 - )
----------child: Bales, Ellen Beals (*1861 - )
----------child: Bales, Emma (*1868 - )
----------child: Bales, Leab (*1868 - )
----------child: Bales, Jane (*1868 - )
----------child: Bales, Martha (*1868 - )
----------child: Bales, Eligah Scott (1872 - 1951)
----------child: Bales, Lillie Hannah (1876 - 1966)
Bales, Jane (1844 - ) - female
b. 1844
father: Bales, Levi(1810 - 1866)
mother: Keller, Susanna(1798 - 1872)
Bales, Jane (*1868 - ) - female
father: Bales, Jacob(1834 - 1905)
mother: Bales, Eliza(1836 - )
spouse: Scott, ? (*1864 - )
Bales, John (1816 - 1873) - male
b. 12 May 1816 in Greene Co., TN
d. 1873 in Shelby County, IL
father: Beals, Jacob(1769 - 1837)
mother: Rachel, ?(*1779 - )
spouse: Keller, Roda (1814 - )
- m. 7 Jan 1836 in Montgomery Co., IN
----------child: Bales, Jacob (1834 - 1905)
----------child: Bales, Lucinda Elizabeth (1839 - 1911)
----------child: Bales, David Amassa (1840 - 1905)
----------child: Bales, Solomon (1843 - )
----------child: Bales, Mary Anna (1844 - 1921)
----------child: Bales, George W. (1845 - )
----------child: Bales, Rachel (1855 - )
----------child: Bales, John Patrick (1858 - 1924)
Bales, John Patrick (1858 - 1924) - male
b. 1 Apr 1858 in Shelby Co, IL
d. May 1924 in Vandalia, IL
father: Bales, John(1816 - 1873)
mother: Keller, Roda(1814 - )
spouse: Holley, Mary Ann (*1865 - )
- m. 10 Apr 1887 in Strasburg, Shelby Co., IL
Bales, Leab (*1868 - ) - male
b. in Shelby Co, IL
father: Bales, Jacob(1834 - 1905)
mother: Bales, Eliza(1836 - )
spouse: Shumard, Ada M. (*1872 - )
spouse: Hardin, Delilah Capitola Rosaline (*1872 - )
Bales, Levi (1810 - 1866) - male
b. 15 Jun 1810 in Greene Co., TN
d. 25 Jan 1866 in Shelby County, IL
father: Beals, Jacob(1769 - 1837)
mother: Rachel, ?(*1779 - )
spouse: Keller, Susanna (1798 - 1872)
- m. 2 Feb 1827
----------child: Bales, Chrissy (1827 - )
----------child: Bales, Rachel (1829 - )
----------child: Bales, Hannah (1830 - )
----------child: Bales, Mary (1833 - )
----------child: Bales, Eliza (1836 - )
----------child: Bales, Delitha (1839 - )
----------child: Bales, Malinda (1843 - )
----------child: Bales, Jane (1844 - )
----------child: Bales, Nancy (1847 - )
----------child: Bales, Louis (1847 - )
Bales, Lillie Hannah (1876 - 1966) - female
b. 16 Mar 1876 in Shelby Co, IL
d. 17 Sep 1966 in Bourbon, MO.
father: Bales, Jacob(1834 - 1905)
mother: Bales, Eliza(1836 - )
spouse: Davis, Howard (*1872 - )
spouse: Jones, Amanuel (1870 - 1918)
- m. 20 Jan 1892 in Effingham Co., IL
----------child: Jones, Rosie (*1906 - )
----------child: Jones, Clara (*1906 - )
----------child: Jones, Elsie (*1906 - )
----------child: Jones, Florence (*1906 - )
----------child: Jones, Louis (*1906 - )
----------child: Jones, Vina May (*1906 - )
----------child: Jones, Harlan Edward (*1906 - )
----------child: Jones, William (*1906 - )
----------child: Jones, Phelma (*1906 - )
----------child: Jones, Alma Lillian (1916 - )
spouse: Gillespy, Ira Ellis (*1886 - 1955)
- m. 1927
----------child: Gillespy, Jack (*1909 - )
Bales, Louis (1847 - ) - female
b. 1847
father: Bales, Levi(1810 - 1866)
mother: Keller, Susanna(1798 - 1872)
Bales, Lucinda Elizabeth (1839 - 1911) - female
b. 27 Oct 1839
d. 17 Mar 1911 in Shelby County, IL
father: Bales, John(1816 - 1873)
mother: Keller, Roda(1814 - )
Bales, Malinda (1843 - ) - female
b. 1843
father: Bales, Levi(1810 - 1866)
mother: Keller, Susanna(1798 - 1872)
Bales, Martha (*1868 - ) - female
father: Bales, Jacob(1834 - 1905)
mother: Bales, Eliza(1836 - )
spouse: Kerns, George W. (*1864 - )
spouse: Purvines, George (*1864 - )
Bales, Mary (1833 - ) - female
b. 1833
father: Bales, Levi(1810 - 1866)
mother: Keller, Susanna(1798 - 1872)
Bales, Mary Anna (1844 - 1921) - female
b. 15 Apr 1844
d. 22 May 1921
father: Bales, John(1816 - 1873)
mother: Keller, Roda(1814 - )
Bales, Nancy (1847 - ) - female
b. 1847
father: Bales, Levi(1810 - 1866)
mother: Keller, Susanna(1798 - 1872)
Bales, Oliver (1860 - ) - male
b. 1860
father: Bales, Jacob(1834 - 1905)
mother: Bales, Eliza(1836 - )
spouse: Webb, Emma Emily Elenor (1862 - 1929)
Bales, Rachel (1829 - ) - female
b. 1829
father: Bales, Levi(1810 - 1866)
mother: Keller, Susanna(1798 - 1872)
Bales, Rachel (1855 - ) - female
b. Nov 1855
father: Bales, John(1816 - 1873)
mother: Keller, Roda(1814 - )
Bales, Solomon (1843 - ) - male
b. 1843
father: Bales, John(1816 - 1873)
mother: Keller, Roda(1814 - )
Ballard, William (*1811 - ) - male
spouse: Crawford, Susan (~1814 - )
- m. ABT. 1837 in KY
Banner, Elizabeth (*1719 - ) - female
spouse: Friend, John Jr. (1713 - 1778)
- m. 1740
next - go to surnames